Provision of Ultrasound and X-ray Services

Classification:                 Simple
Type of Transaction:       G2C – Government to Citizen
Who may avail:                All residents of San Fernando with doctor’s request

             The physician employs diagnostic tests (ultrasound, x-ray) to help with proper patient diagnosis and accurate treatment.

X-ray Fees

1.     Skeletal Survey1500
2.     Bilateral Leg APO/L800
3.     Bilateral Shoulder Joint (Trauma Series)800
4.     Bilateral Leg APL500
5.     Bilateral Thigh APL500
6.     Thoracolumbar Spine APL450
7.     Bilateral Foot APO/L400
8.     Bilateral Ankle APL + MORT400
9.     Bilateral Hand APO/L400
10. Leg APOL400
11. Bilateral Forearm APL350
12. Bilateral Arm APL350
13. Abdomen APL (Adult)250
14. Abdomen S/U250
15. Bilateral Ankle APL250
16. Bilateral Elbow Joint APL250
17. Bilateral Foot APL250
18. Bilateral Hand APO250
19. Bilateral Shoulder Joint AP250
20. Bilateral Wrist APL250
21. Chest APL (Adult)250
22. Femur APL250
23. Flat Plate Abdomen (Upright/ Supine)250
24. Leg APL250
25. Mastoid Series250
26. Paranasal Sinuses250
27. Thigh APL250
28. Pelvimetry250
29. Ankle APL + Mortise200
30. Cervical R/L Obliques200
31. Coccyx APL200
32. Foot APOL200
33. Hand APOL200
34. Knee APO/L200
35.  Lumbar Spine APL200
36.  Lumbar Spine R&L Obliques200
37.  Lumbosacral Spine APL200
38.  Lumbosacral R&L Obliques200
39.  Sacrum APL200
40.  Thoracic Spine APL200
41.  Sacrum APL200
42.  Abdomen APL (Pedia)150
43.  Arm APL150
44.  Cervical APL150
45.  Chest APL (Pedia)150
46.  Forearm APL150
47.  Mandible APO150
48.  Orbital X-ray150
49.  Skull APL150
50.  TMJ APO150
51.  Abdomen AP100
52.  Abdomen Decubitus100
53.  Ankle (Mortise)100
54.  Ankle APL100
55.  Chest AP/PA (Adult)100
56.  Chest Apicolordotic View100
57.  Chest R/L Lateral Decubitus100
58.  Chest R/L Lateral100
59.  Clavicle AP100
60.  Cross-table Lateral (Hip Joint)100
61.  Elbow Joint APL100
62.  Fetogram100
63.  Foot APO/L100
64.  Hand APO/L100
65.  Hip Joint AP100
66.  Knee (Skyline/ Sunrise)100
67.  Knee APL100
68.  KUB X-ray100
69.  Pelvis (Frogleg)100
70.  Pelvis (Inlet & Outlet View100
71.  Pelvis (Juddet View)100
72.  Pelvis AP100
73.  Thoracic Cage100
74.  Wrist APL100
75.  Shoulder Joint AP100
76.  Cervical LAT100
77.  Nasal Bone/ Soft Tissue Lateral100
78.  Open Mouth View- Cervical100
79.  Skull AP100
80.  Skull- Caldwell’s View100
81.  Skull- Towne’s View100
82.  Skull- Water’s View100
83.  Swimmer’s View Shoulder100


Ultrasound Fees

1.     Abdomen-Pelvis500
2.     Abdomen- Prostate500
3.     Whole abdomen450
4.     Biophysical Scoring450
5.     Thryroid/ Neck400
6.     Kidneys, Spleen Pancreas400
7.     Chest/ Hemithorax400
8.     Scrotal/Testicular/ Inguinal400
9.     KUB-Prostate400
10. Cranial400
11. Cardiac400
12. Breast400
13. Transvaginal (TVS)400
14. KUB350
15. Upper Abdomen350
16. HBT-Kidneys300
17. HBT-Pancreas300
18. HBT-Abdominal Aorta300
19. HBT-Gallbladder250
20. HBT-Pelvis250
21. Spleen/Pancreas250
22. Liver250
23. Gallbladder250
24. Kidneys250
25. Pancreas250
26. Abdominal Aorta250
27. Spleen250
28. Urinary Bladder250
29. Pelvis250
30. Prostate250